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NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Antwerp Review (in English and Bahasa)

August 29, 2015

1 hal yang paling nggak bisa gue tahan adalah ketika buka Instagram dan swatch bibir cakep bertebaran di tiap olshop Kosmetik USA.. O_O aaaaaa.. Bikin gue kepengen beli.. Akhir-akhir ini NYX bener-bener bikin gue penasaran sama lip cream nya.. Ketinggalan banget yaa gue, ciwik-ciwik lain udah pada punya banyak koleksi lip cream ini dengan berbagai warna dan gue maju mundur beli ini, karena  takut nggak ke-pake.. Gue lebih percaya diri dengan lip balm karena warnanya cenderung sheer..

The only thing that i cannot reject is when I see Instagram  and see a lot of lip swatches in every USA online shop O_O aaaaaa.. They make me wanna buy ALL of THEM.. Lately, NYX really made me curious.. I was tempted to have Soft Matte Lip Cream.. hahaha.. I know, the other girls have a lot of this lip cream but i just have one.. I read a lot of reviews before buy this one because i'm afraid it'll just wasting money for me.. Beside, I feel more confident with sheer color lip balm.. 


Download and zoom to know about the ingredients :D

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream yang bahasa gaul nya: SMLC adalah lipstick matte dalam bentuk cream..

Kemasan nya terbuat dari plastik.. Kayak lip cream lain pada umumnya :D
Oh yaa, sebelum gue buka lip cream ini, lip cream ini memiliki segel plastik.. Fyi, kalo SMLC mu nggak ada segel nya, uniquesss harus hati-hati yaa.. Takutnya palsu.. Akhir-akhir ini di Indo banyak beredar SMLC palsu soalnyaa =(

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream that known as SMLC is a matte lipstick in the creamy texture..

The packaging comes with plastic.. Just like the other lip creams generally :D
Before you open, the lip cream has plastic lid.. Fyi, if your SMLC doesn't come with plastic lid, you have to be aware.. Maybe you got the fake one.. Because in our country, Indonesia have many NAUGHTY SELLER that sell fake SMLCs.. =(

Pilihan gue adalah shade Antwerp!! Gue suka banget warnanya.. Jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama waktu lihat warna yang ini.. #LebaiModeOn

It’s like Coral pink colour.. Ulalaaa cakep nyaa.. ^^

I chose Antwerp!! I like the color so much!! Fall in love on the first sight when i see the color.. #hyperbollicdetected :D
It's like Coral Pink colour.. So nice!!^^

Tekstur nya kayak krim cupcake.. .. creamy, lembut, nggak lengket dan gampang di aplikasikan.. Wangi nyaa enak banget..! Wangi vanilla cupcake gituu :D

The texture looks like cupcake cream.. creamy, smooth, not sticky, and so easy to swipe..
It smells so yummy..! It smells like a vanilla cupcake :D 

Sebelum dan sesudah gue pakai di bibir gue
Gue oles tipis" aja supaya hasilnya natural cakep :D
Jangan lupa pakai lip balm dulu yaaa Uniquesss!! Terutama untuk yang punya bibir kering kayak gue.. Kadang-kadang SMLC ini bisa bikin bibir gue pecah-pecah.. =(

Before After apply on my lips 
Up: Bare lips, Down:my lips with lipbalm + SMLC
I apply this only a little bit (3 dots up, 3 dots down) because i wanna make a nice pink natural look :D
Don't forget to apply lip balm before SMLC, Uniquesss!! Sometimes, it made my lips become cracked because of my dry lips.. =(


Setelah pakai SMLC, warnanya mate (nggak mengkilap)dengan warna yang cakep di bibir.. Gue puas banget!! creamy, lembut, nggak lengket dan gampang diaplikasikan.. 
Ketahanan: lip cream ini tahan 5-6 jam tanpa makan dan minum.. Di saat minum, lip cream ini juga nggak transfer ke gelas lhoo..

The Result

After applying this SMLC on my lips, it's soo matte with the pigmented color.. I love the color so much!! it's so creamy, smooth, not sticky, and so easy to swipe.. 
The staying power: it lasts around 5-6 hours on my lips without eat and drink.. it's not transferable to glass when i drink.. 

Hayoo, suka dengan SMLC ini? Uniquesss bisa dapet lip cream ini di counter NYX terdekat atau online shop yg jual kosmetik USA.. Gue siih beli di online shop yang jual kosmetik USA.. Range harga di olshop Indo: Rp 85 000 s/d Rp 110 000 (karena kurs naik melulu TT)

Do you like this lip cream? Uniquesss can get this in NYX counter or USA cosmetics onlineshop.. I got this from one of the USA cosmetics onlineshop.. Price range in Indo: Rp 85. 000 until Rp 110 000 (because the increase of the kurs TT)

Price: 4/5
Matte Finish on lips: 4/5 
Scent: 4/5
Staying powder: 3/5
suit on dry lips: 3/5 (you needs a lot of lip balm)
Easy to swipe? YES!!!
Repurchase? Maybe Yes :D 

Gue cukup puas dengan lip cream ini.. Gue suka tekstur nya, wangi nya, dan pilihan shade nya!! Gue suka banget shade Antwerp.. :D Tapi, kelemahannya lip cream ini tambah bikin kering bibir gue.. Jadi, saran gue: kalo Uniquesss punya bibir kering kayak gue, kalian harus tau kondisi bibir kalian.. JANGAN pakai ini kalo bibir kalian lagi kering.. Bibir kalian bisa kelihatan nggak kece (pecah-pecah)

Overall, i'm pretty satisfied with this lip cream.. i like the texture, the scent, and the choice of the shades!! i really like Antwerp.. :D But, the downside is it dries my lips so BAD.. So, if you have dry lips like mine, you have to know about the condition of your lips.. DON'T use it when it's so dry.. It'll give your lips a very bad looks (cracked)

Selfie dulu ahh dengan SMLC nya. Semoga nggak ganggu kalian yaa :D 
It's time for my selfie pics using this SMLC.. I hope it doesn't not annoy you :D

Psst, don't forget to follow my instagram @bacareviewyuk :D
Disana bakal ada review-review singkat dari gue..

Have a nice day, Uniquesss!
Mei Mei^^

Pardon my bad English
I'm still learning :D

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6 comments on "NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Antwerp Review (in English and Bahasa)"
  1. Akkkhhh ini one of my fav juga nih.... Sudah 2th belakangan ini suka banget! :D

    1. Iyaa niih.. Pigmented cakep banget ya warnanya..
      Thx dh mampir.. =D

  2. Uniquesss, thanks for reading.. =D Jangan komen dengan link hidup ya :)

    1. wuah, iyaaa.. Shade cannes cakep juga tuuuuh..
      wishlist aku jugaaa O_O
      okedeeeh thanks for stopping by, Rifka :D

  3. aaku juga punya produk ini, overall, kurang suka dan gak repurchase lagi hehehe.. jjadi gak di review deh..

    1. Kamu punya yg warna apa? wuaah.. akuu suka siih warnanya di bibir.. cuma minus di bibir ku ituuu bikin tambah cepet kering :(
